
Baked Brie with Orange Habanero Marmalade

Baked Brie with Orange Habanero Marmalade

Below you will find our recipe

Ingredients Qty
Habanero peppers 2 pcs
Brie cheese 1 piece
Sourdough bread 1 piece
Orange 6 pcs
Cinammon sticks 2 pcs
Monk fruit (or any sweetener of your choice) 1 tbsp
Lime 1 piece


  1. In a cooking por, add water and the cinnamon sticks and bring to a boil.
  2. Cut the oranges and the habanero peppers
  3. Remove the cinnamon sticks from the boiling water and add the oranges and the habanero peppers
  4. Add lime juice and monk fruit. Stir until you get a thick consistency; marmalade
  5. Cut the top of the sourdough bread loaf and scoop the inside of the bread. 
  6. Set the brie down into the bread bowl. And add on top of the cheese the marmalade.
  7. Bake for 20 minutes at 180°C
  8. Pair with a charcuterie board for a tasty appetizer! Enjoy!



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Una publicación compartida por By L.N Annette Medellin (@eatclean.mx)

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