
Pulpo adobado a las brasas

Pulpo adobado a las brasas

Below you will find our recipe

Ingredients Qty
Octopus  500 g
Ancho pepper 1 piece
Chile guajillo 2 pcs
Garlic clove 8 pzas
Habanero pepper  5 pcs
Achote paste 1 tsp
Avocado 1 piece
Lime 2 pcs
Olive oil 2 tbsp
Honey 2 tbsp


  1. Heat oil in a pan over medium heat. Add a ancho pepper, two chile guajillo, a habanero pepper, and four cloves of garlic. Let them cook until they are slightly golden.
  2. Remove the seeds from the peppers. Then add them along with the garlic cloves, achiote paste, and the remaining oil from the frying pan to a blender.
  3. Marinate the previously cooked octopus with the mixture and transfer it to the grill. Remove the head and make a butterfly cut; cook it thoroughly on both sides.
  4. In the blender, add one seedless habanero and three whole habanero peppers, four cloves of garlic, one avocado, lime juice, two tablespoons of olive oil, and two tablespoons of honey. Blend until the consistency of the sauce is creamy. 
  5. Serve the octopus with the avocado creamy sauce. Enjoy!

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