
Salsa Negra Habanero

Salsa Negra Habanero

Below you will find our recipe:

Ingredients Qty
Habanero Pepper 5 pcs
Cambray onion 2 pcs
Corn Tortillas 2 pcs
Chile pasilla (previamente remojado) 2 pieces
Lime 2 pcs
Soy sauce 2 cda
Maggi sauce 2 cda
Worcestershire sauce 1 tbsp
Olive Oil 1/4 cup


  1. Roast the habanero peppers, cambray onions and tortillas; until charred
  2. Add all your ingredients to a blender, except for the olive oil
  3. While mixing, add slowly the olive oil.
  4. Place the sauce to a container. Serve with tortilla chips

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